Work Smarter by Forging the Path for Your Target Audience to Find YOU

Do you remember that classic game, “Where’s Waldo?” Such great memories. You’re lying on your bedroom floor with a large picture book spread open in front of you. Your fingers busily trace over countless faces as your eyes dart back and forth, scouring the page for Waldo. You’ve spent minutes, hours, days looking for him […]
“Why should I pay YOU to learn MY business and create a marketing strategy?”

You know your marketing strategy is solid. I mean, sure — most of your boosted social media posts are struggling to gain traction and your lead conversion rate has been declining, but that’s just because of the economy. And when you Google your company website, it takes a few different searches to get there, but […]
Three “Aha Moments” That Radically Changed My Perspective on Marketing Strategy

Can you guess how many times I hear this phrase? “I don’t need a marketing strategy!” Well, to be honest, I don’t actually hear it that often, but I hear it often enough to be frustrated by it when I do. Why? Because the reality is, this phrase isn’t true about any business — even […]
The Real Cost Of Creating A Marketing Strategy And Five Factors That Drive Up The Price

This statistic floored me. Did you know that businesses with planned, documented marketing strategies are over 313% more likely to report successful sales campaigns? Over 313%. Friends, that’s what those in the world of statistics call a guarantee. If you’re over 300% more likely to gain sales by doing something, (contingent on it not being […]
Break The Cycle Of Disappointment With These Three Sales Conversion Techniques

You may not like me for saying this but… You’re selling the wrong way. “Alright, that’s cool. Thanks, Ruben — I’m leaving now!” As I often tell my wife when she’s going out and I’m staying home with the kids: Wait! Don’t leave me! Before you click away, I need you to know this — […]
Six Common Problems Your Business Can Avoid With A Strategic Marketing Plan

Let’s face it, marketing is overwhelming. Digital marketing, social media marketing, outbound marketing, inbound marketing, content marketing, email marketing — I can’t say the word marketing anymore. It’s a valid stress! Marketing drives revenue, client connections, and the public perception of our brands, so it’s arguably the most important department in our companies. (At least […]
How To Create and Maintain a Strong Online Presence That Stands Out From The Crowd

Being online is no longer optional. Corona made sure of that. (The virus, not the beer.) Digital marketing was already important for thriving businesses, but now, it’s a mandatory tool for survival. I want to level with you before we move on: You know that I’m a digital marketer. But, this isn’t a sales pitch […]
Is Your Business Failing To Adapt These Two Key Areas of the Post-COVID-19 New Norm?

As of March 24th, 2020, 38% of businesses across the United States reported that they were forced to cancel major, revenue-driving events, conferences, and meetings because of COVID-19. 38%. You may be thinking, “That’s unfortunate, but it doesn’t really affect me. My business doesn’t do events.” Well, good for you. Your business may not be […]
Marketing Insights That Will Help You Sell During Any Pandemic Without Losing Your Mind

You’ve been watching your sales numbers fall for over a month all thanks to the coronavirus, the new four(ish) letter word. In the last few weeks, you’ve pushed through incredibly difficult obstacles just to make sure your business survives. And we want to be sure you know this: you’re doing a great job. And you’re […]
PixelMark is Now 8 Signal!
After passing our five-year landmark in November of 2019, our company is undergoing a major transition to enhance our clients’ online presence and position them as the voice of expertise in their field. Check out video above which gives you more information on how this incredible shift will strengthen the marketing services clients are receiving […]