Is Your Business Failing To Adapt These Two Key Areas of the Post-COVID-19 New Norm?

Hand placing block letters together to form the word “Adapt"

As of March 24th, 2020, 38% of businesses across the United States reported that they were forced to cancel major, revenue-driving events, conferences, and meetings because of COVID-19. 38%. You may be thinking, “That’s unfortunate, but it doesn’t really affect me. My business doesn’t do events.” Well, good for you. Your business may not be […]

A Tale of Two Superheroes

Co-Founder Tiffany moves on to her new mission 2020 Update: There have been a lot of big changes since our heros parted ways! PixelMark is now 8 Signal – learn more here. Sometimes it’s best to talk about emotional topics in a straightforward, clear manner. And sometimes it’s easier to make up a parable about […]

Scam alert: Don’t pay this phony bill!


We’ve had multiple clients call us recently because they received a “domain listing” solicitation in the mail. They felt funny about the letter, which was surely designed to look like an invoice, and both came close to paying it. Because that’s part of having a business, right? You pay the bills. You protect your marketing […]

How to Identify a Buyer

Save time (aka money) by focusing on selling IT services to the right people We all know time is money, but particularly in the field of IT service, there’s just no getting around the fact that spending time pitching your benefits to “window shoppers” costs you time and chips into your salary. There’s a pervasive […]

Case Study: Creating an Artful Website for the Tom Lea Institute

About Tom Lea Institute The Tom Lea Institute in El Paso is a non-profit organization that celebrates and shares the art and writings of renowned artist Tom Lea. They are dedicated to developing new audiences and strengthening existing relationships with art, education, history, and literary constituencies through their events, tours, and website.azine. October is nationally […]

How to Generate Online Reviews

how to generate online views

Tell me more about me It’s always nice to hear positive feedback. And it’s even better when other people (*cough* potential clients) tune in to the niceties and decide your business is worth a shot. The #1 place you need people talking about how awesome you are is in online reviews. Think about it — […]

Female Leaders in the Workplace

cartoon business woman running up a graph

  It’s good for a business to run like a girl Like them or not, events like the buzz over the Fearless Girl statue and the domestic success of Wonder Woman point to a cultural shift. The narrative of women in positions of strength and leadership is increasingly common in the United States, and it’s […]

When to Call the Experts: Outsourced vs In-House Marketing

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Let me tell you about the time I (accidentally) flooded my apartment because of a leak in my kitchen sink. I performed a Google search for leaky sink and found the “best drain pipe joint filler compound” on the market. I bought it and followed the instructions … but it didn’t work. The leak was […]

Marketing in El Paso

Living and marketing in El Paso, a border town with a population that is more than 79% Hispanic, has allowed us to find and create opportunities for our clients to engage a greater share of the growing Hispanic market by keeping the connection between culture and message alive. El Paso is #16 of America’s Top […]