The Best Writing and Content Marketing Resources You’ll Need

Content Marketing

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Content marketing is one of the most important and successful marketing strategies of our day. This is because of its tight connection to other strategies like SEO, conversion optimization, social media, and even design!

Success in content marketing isn’t a straight, linear path.

There are obstacles that you’ll likely run into as you figure out the best approach for your audience and find the niche that will give you a competitive advantage. As a matter of fact, you may find yourself struggling just to keep your content marketing campaign afloat, especially if you’re just starting, which is the make or break moment of your campaign.

That’s why we’ve decided to provide you with the best advice we can. This week I’m sharing with you the best resources 8 Signal has to offer to improve your writing and content marketing strategies.

Only have a couple of minutes? Don’t worry. 8 Signal continuously works to provide you with the best content out there. With a brief summary next to the article, you’ll be able to find what you need here.

Why isn’t my website on the first page of Google?

2016sep-wk2-note_seo Having your website show up as the top result of a Google search is directly related to your SEO efforts. In this article, we talked about the reasons your website may not be showing up on Google search results.

Pay special attention to reason #2; it will definitely help you stay focused on creating new, relevant, and engaging content.

So you need a blog: How to build a content marketing strategy

Ah, the good ol’ days of newspapers, TV, and radio…are gone! With the digital technology explosion, there are endless ways to spend your ad budget. Make sure you’re investing in the best. One area that is universally important is having a great content marketing strategy. Here’s a big picture look at how to get started and what to consider once you’ve decided to get serious about your marketing efforts.

Email marketing – What a 5 year old and Star Wars can teach us about consistency

2016sep-wk2-yoda Email marketing is another form of content, but you don’t have to think of it as another marketing channel. Build relationships and rapport with your emails. You don’t have to push for a sale in every one you send. Follow these guidelines and start sending emails to your contact list like a boss. Just remember what Yoda said.

Why blog is a 4-letter word

When we talk about Search Engine Optimization, eventually we will find ourselves back at content marketing. It’s like the saying goes: “All roads lead to Rome.”

One of the fastest and most efficient ways to use SEO is content marketing, and your best tool—or should I say car—for this road will be your blog. Never cringe again at the phrase “content marketing,” and learn how to write highly shareable blog posts.

Content marketing: The blog

Marketing is constantly evolving. Traditional methods become less and less effective over time and sometimes are rendered completely useless. Learn what content marketing is, how blogging can bring you sales, and 7 tips to increase your sales with a perfect blog.

What to write about on your blog

So you’ve decided to give blogging a chance. Now comes the fun part: actually writing. Have you ever found yourself staring at the screen of your computer with a blank page and the blinking cursor mocking you while you try to come up with something to write? It’s not a horror movie, it’s just a case of writer’s block. There’s plenty to write and in this article you’ll learn how to start thinking in terms of content and come up with ideas to write about.

How to write a successful blog and get more people to read it

2016sep-wk2-note_blog You have the blog and you have what you want to write about, but what about readers? Oops. Don’t worry, this article outlines the why, what, and how of writing a blog post, as well as 8 steps to make sure you have a thriving blog that people will read and bookmark on their browsers.

Here’s an example of a curated blog post

We get it. As business owners, we understand that finding the time to blog and finding what to blog about makes your head spin. That is why we created this blog post. It’s what we consider the path of least resistance to getting started.

Email marketing: Facts and stats you need to know

2016sep-wk2-email Email is still the king of content marketing. Research has shown us that new communication channels have not affected the efficiency of email marketing. Read these amazing facts and stats about emails and learn what you can do to have an amazing email marketing strategy.

Content writing examples, tools, tips, and resources

2016sep-wk2-cm Reading something great is a lot like listening to a great singer. If the performer makes a connection with her audience—even if she misses a few notes—chances are we will still be listening and eagerly anticipating her next performance. Check out these awesome examples with tools, tips, and resources that the CMI puts at your disposal.

How to write your benefit statements

Before making any type of decision, we all ask ourselves: “What’s in it for me?” We do this consciously or unconsciously; it’s our nature. So how can you prove the benefit of choosing you over the competition? With benefit statements. Remember, you’re not selling a “steak”; the local butcher can do that in a blood-stained apron. No, you’re selling the “sizzle,” the taste, the experience, the benefits.

How to write an effective ad

Before you start creating your ads, you need to make sure you have your Unique Selling Proposition. What is that? If you have to ask, you need to read this article. In it you will find the definition, a breakdown of it, and how to use it as the backbone to write an awesome and effective ad.

Make social media work for you

2016sep-wk2-apps Not the other way around. Content marketing is not exclusive to blog posts and emails. Your social media success depends in great part on your content. Learn what type of content works best in social media and how to write it to get the most shares, likes, retweets, and regrams.

Effective Facebook post strategies you can take to the bank

Facebook is the #1 social network in the world. We use it for fun, to get our news, to stay in touch with friends and family, to share our interests, et cetera. But do you know how to write an effective Facebook post? In this article, we tell you the basics of posting to your Facebook page, as well as 5 advanced tactics with some examples.

Making the marketing process as painless as possible

Recently, 8 Signal launched our website redesign, and we learned a lot from it. It gave us a chance to experience what we had to offer. Our redesign gave us the opportunity to refine our message and the image we were presenting to our customers. Taking a good and objective look at your business will help you enhance your offer. Learn from our experience when we took the time for our own redesign.

These are the resources that 8 Signal puts at your disposal to help you with writing and content marketing. Is there something we didn’t mention that you want to learn more about? Let us know in the comments!

At 8 Signal, we believe you can outsmart, rather than outspend, your competition. Give us a call at (915) 585-1919 or fill out our online form to get in touch with one of our marketing experts.

Photos courtesy of:, hitsnooze, TopRankMarketing, Jason A. Howie.

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