“We really value how streamlined our marketing has become” – Tommy Tinajero

What others have to say about you

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You weren’t just thinking about marketing, or your best interests; you were thinking about our business

It’s difficult to outsource to just anyone because you never really know that the benefits will outweigh the cost, especially when it comes to marketing.

We had some initial reservations because when you start something new, the communication language can be off. When we started I wasn’t sure that what we wanted was matching up with what you were recommending, but we had one conversation and got it all straightened out.

You listened really well, and you were open to morphing our relationship over time, which was great.  

You were open to becoming what we needed – You were listening

My experience with other companies has been that they would ask boilerplate questions.

Then come back with an overly prescriptive proposal telling you what you need.

8 Signal’s approach was different. You asked “what do you need and want?” 

At first, I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted.

I only knew that long term, I didn’t want to pay for marketing services that I could handle in-house more affordably.

You were listening and recognized that there’s a profit and loss sheet we have to pay attention to. You weren’t just thinking about marketing, or your best interests, you were thinking about our business.

8 Signal helps us spend time on the tasks that are going to be most effective for us

Since we started working with 8 Signal, there’s been a definite growth in the number of people who are paying attention to us and the people we are reaching has grown.

From an operations standpoint, marketing has become more streamlined. It’s not haphazard and it’s not an insurmountable task. It’s something that makes sense and it’s not hard for us to manage.

The effort that we spend in marketing is a lot more streamlined, efficient, and well supported. Because of that, there’s more time spent on the effective stuff. That’s one thing that 8 Signal helps us do, is spend time on the tasks that are going to be effective.

We really value how streamlined our marketing has become – What used to seem hard to manage is not any more

8 Signal came to the table with a wide range of experience, but you don’t impose that on us. You listen to us, you say this is where you’re going and this is where we can help you.

You always say, “have you thought about this…”

And it’s not always about marketing. You’ve offered us great input on business workflow and strategies that help me be more efficient in areas outside of marketing.

We also really value how streamlined our marketing has become.  What used to seem hard to manage is not any more.

Ruben and Tiffany are very different. As a result, the work you do fits perfectly together. Your combination of skills and qualities provide a very unique approach to our business.

They always communicate, share schedules with me, and I don’t have to hunt them down

For anyone considering whether to work with 8 Signal, I would say that 8 Signal is coming to you with the mindset that they want to help your business succeed.  

They pay attention to you as the business owner, and they pay attention to the person in your company that’s managing their work. They just make it easy for you.

In our experience, they always communicate, share schedules with me, and I don’t have to hunt them down. I am kept in the loop with all the marketing that goes out and I’m free to edit any of it if I need to.

You’ve also gone above and beyond, always networking me with others and sharing tools, products, and apps that you just notice that I might need. For example, you recommended Rescue Time. That has nothing to do with marketing, but it’s beneficial to my business.

I can’t think of one thing or area where I wish 8 Signal would do something differently.

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See the difference customized strategy and marketing leadership can make.

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Try our expert, EOS-driven marketing strategy FREE for 30 days. No strings attached!

Learn how 8 SIGNAL's Fractional CMO Program can transform your business.

See the difference customized strategy and marketing leadership can make.


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