8 SIGNAL Proven Process to a Marketing Happily-Ever-After

Our Prove Process - 8 SIGNAL Marketing

Are you looking for a marketing growth strategy that’s actually proven to work? Here at 8 SIGNAL, we’ve spent years developing just that — and let me be totally biased and tell you: It’s something special.  Something TOTALLY different from your average, cookie-cutter marketing approach (Gross, who wants that?). In this approach, we help you […]

Three Ways You’re Throwing Away Money by Not Having a Level 10 Meeting

Stop throwing money away - 8 SIGNAL Blog

“You know what I love? Wasting money!” — says literally NO ONE.  But a lot of businesses throw away their hard-earned cash without even realizing it!  Boring, inefficient meetings aren’t just a waste of time — they’re a waste of money and potential as well.  But an EOS Level 10 Meeting (L10) can change all […]

The Power of Connection: 7 Ways to Forge Stronger Donor Relationships for Your Non-Profit

Multicolored, abstract, connected lines with pins symbolizing strong donor relationships.

Alicia is in leadership with a non-profit organization. She’s passionate about the organization’s mission, and they’re making an impact on their community. Alicia is keenly aware that this isn’t a “one-woman show” — the non-profit’s donor base is the backbone of the organization. But… COMMUNICATION. IS. HARD.  Alicia struggles with keeping donors informed and connected. […]

Is Your Small Business a Netflix or a Blockbuster?

King piece on chessboard with toppled pieces surrounding it

How many businesses that barely survived the crisis in 2020 are ready to survive the next one? Today, I want to take a few minutes to share my thoughts on facing a crisis, dealing with disruption, and how we as business leaders can prepare for the unexpected. In this blog post, I talk about how adapting […]

Why do I Need a Professional Marketing Strategy?

Young black woman (20s) with glasses tilting her head and looking at the camera skeptically.

Picture this. After years of dreaming and saving, you are finally ready to build your own house. When you close your eyes, you can envision exactly what you want: a wraparound porch, a pergola in the backyard next to a designer pool, a chef’s kitchen (okay… maybe I’m describing my dream home. Bear with me!). […]

Digital Marketing and Tacos: Two Lifelines During the Pandemic

digital marketing and tacos - two lifelines during the pandemic

Here’s a true story. I’ll bet you can relate:  It was 5:00 in the afternoon. I didn’t realize that it was already 5 pm because I’d been sitting at home, binge watching The Office (yes, Netflix, I want to keep watching … and I don’t appreciate that judgmental tone!). My kids “reminded” me that it […]

The Secret Tool of Effective Marketing to Actually Reach Your Target Audience

Icon with a yellow background of a blue funnel with arrows pouring into the top

We don’t really hear the word “transformation” anymore unless we’re talking about spiritual principles, butterflies, or the Transformer franchise. #BumblebeeIsTheBest #ButOptimusPrimeIsBetter But it’s such a great word! Transformation is exactly what should happen when your target audience comes in contact with your company, products, and services. And in reality, that’s what often happens! However, if […]