How Fractional CMO Services Help You Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Stand out from the crowd with fractional CMO services.

In the world of business, it’s important to stand out and connect with your ideal customers. But getting noticed in a crowded market often takes more than a great product or service. Appleton Moving Company loves helping their customers have a streamlined, low-stress moving experience. They bring professionalism, expertise, and world-class customer service to every […]

EOS Psychiatrist: 4 Common Business Problems That Are Driving You Crazy

Ruben’s Thumbnail – EOS framework

In my years of helping businesses develop marketing strategy, I’ve noticed that business leaders are often a stressed bunch.  So many small business owners are handling it all: sales, HR, marketing… and it’s WAY too many hats for one person! Even though they’re having plenty of meetings, it still feels like nothing’s moving forward and […]

5 Reasons Why You Need Entrepreneurial Operating System L10 Meetings

Try an Entrepreneurial Operating System

Have you ever thought meetings were a waste of time?  That they take too long? That they’re full of unneeded chitchat (Sorry, Cathy, I really DO care about your cat Fluffy — but let’s not talk about his hairball problem during the marketing meeting, okay?)? What if I told you there’s a specific type of […]

How To Piss Off Your Boss During an L10 Meeting

How to piss off your boss during L10 Meeting

Now, it’s no secret that we at 8 SIGNAL are BIG fans of Level 10 Meetings (L10s). An L10 Meeting is structured, happens weekly, and is designed to keep everyone focused and on the same page. But it’s still possible to take a beautiful, efficient L10 and turn it into a dumpster fire worthy of […]

8 SIGNAL Proven Process to a Marketing Happily-Ever-After

Our Prove Process - 8 SIGNAL Marketing

Are you looking for a marketing growth strategy that’s actually proven to work? Here at 8 SIGNAL, we’ve spent years developing just that — and let me be totally biased and tell you: It’s something special.  Something TOTALLY different from your average, cookie-cutter marketing approach (Gross, who wants that?). In this approach, we help you […]

Three Ways You’re Throwing Away Money by Not Having a Level 10 Meeting

Stop throwing money away - 8 SIGNAL Blog

“You know what I love? Wasting money!” — says literally NO ONE.  But a lot of businesses throw away their hard-earned cash without even realizing it!  Boring, inefficient meetings aren’t just a waste of time — they’re a waste of money and potential as well.  But an EOS Level 10 Meeting (L10) can change all […]

Why I Quit My 8-5 Job and Started a Fractional CMO Marketing Company

Why I Quit My 8-5 Job and Started a Fractional CMO Marketing Company

Hey there! I’m Ruben, the formerly unemployable founder of 8 SIGNAL (that’s *mostly* a joke, but being outspoken with lots of ideas never made a great employee)!  A little about me: I was raised in a Mexican household where business and entrepreneurship were the norm. I love tinkering with ideas, and woodworking is my favorite […]

Why 8 SIGNAL’s EOS Business Model Is Kind of… Different (And Why That’s a Good Thing for Your Marketing Team!)

EOS Business Model - 8 SIGNAL

Hello, fellow entrepreneurial spirits and marketing nerds! Ruben here, your friendly neighborhood founder of 8 SIGNAL. Here at 8 SIGNAL, we pride ourselves on our distinct (yet adaptable!) approach to marketing.  We’re well-versed in the EOS framework and principles because we’ve seen how awesome they are (#NotAnEOSAffiliate), and we help EOS-driven businesses and faith-based non-profits […]

Start-up Success Story: The EOS Business Model Can Boost Your Marketing

The EOS business model fueled this company’s business growth.

Jorge Najera, owner and operator of Synaxis Coffee, knows all there is to know about a cuppa joe. But when it came to marketing and getting his business to run like a well-oiled machine, he needed a bit of help. As you probably know (because we talk about it all the time), we’re big believers […]