Back to School: Marketing 101

Try to picture this: it’s the morning of the first day back to school, the family is around the table having breakfast, and the kids aren’t thrilled about going back. I had to do something to get them excited. Me, in my best motivational speaker voice: “OK gang! Who’s ready to go back to school?!” […]
Improve Your Free Trial Offers Right Now

In olden times, potential customers called a vendor to arrange a meeting, a demo or trial would be scheduled with a sales rep, and, assuming he was the best in the business and convinced the client, negotiations about the price and quantity would get started. Well, no one’s missing those “good ol’ days” of door-to-door […]
The Irresistible Offer: Everything You Need to Have a Thriving Gym

Recently I got asked by a client: “How do you bring in the right clients to build upon the community of our gym? Do you use social media marketing, Facebook ad campaigns, word-of-mouth or face to face contact?” I thought it was a very good question that needed more than my email reply. I decided […]
Effective Facebook Post Strategies You Can Take to the Bank

All this Facebook talk got me thinking: how can you create an effective Facebook post that’ll get you a ton of likes, shares, and comments? After all, that’s what every social network is after: the shares, likes, comments, retweets, regrams, etc. I decided to run a little experiment on my personal Facebook account to show […]
Everything You Need to Know About Boosting Posts on Facebook

19 days, 6 hours, and 20 minutes. That’s the amount of time I’ve spent on Facebook since I first joined the social network in 2009, and that’s estimating it with a humble use of 10 minutes per day. That’s just half the median: according to Business Insider, we spend an average of 20+ minutes per […]
Facebook Advertising: Does It Really Work?

What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the phrase “social network”? Facebook. According to AdWeek, Facebook has over 1.59 billion active user accounts, making it the biggest social network in the world. To give you some perspective, the next most used network is Instagram with just 400 million users. If […]
Content Over Design. How Design Enhances Our Message and Our User Experience

After we determined what content needed to be updated, it was time to put our mad design skills to use. Content first. Design second. Do you have an opinion on this? It kind of sounds like a “chicken and the egg” argument: which came first?When it’s time to create your website, debating the chicken and […]
Making the Marketing and Design Process as Painless as Possible
8 Signal’s website redesign and relaunch gave us a chance to experience our own customer service. A close friend and financial advisor often reminds me, “La tortuga siempre gana,” or, “The tortoise always wins.” In English, you will recognize that this quote refers to the fable of the tortoise and the hare. We often restate […]
Watch out for the curveball when pitching marketing services in El Paso. A lesson from an email sent to a potential client

Curveball: a type of pitch in baseball thrown with a characteristic grip and hand movement that imparts forward spin to the ball causing it to dive in a downward path as it approaches the plate. Its close relatives are the slider and the slurve. Thank you Wikipedia. We sent out an email that explained that […]
Putting Power Back in the Client’s Hands

How 8 Signal helped one client put power back in their message Have you ever heard the maxim that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? Sometimes in business you are doing the same thing over and over again because that is all you know how to […]