Go Behind the Scenes With AWRS’s Google PPC Campaign

“Pay no attention to the man behind the green curtain!” Like the Wizard of Oz, many “gurus” like to hide behind a curtain so you are kept in the dark about what they do. They are afraid you will learn their secrets and do the work yourself — or worse, they don’t know what they’re […]
8 Signal Client Highlight: Alloy Wheel Repair Specialists

Read success stories from our clients: AWRS. “Before 8 Signal, we didn’t know what was working. You took the pressure and heachache off of us and you guys did your thing. The results speak for themselves: you’ve helped us. Nothing had worked like this.” Ah, kids. They grow up so fast. One day you’re teaching […]
Is Your Marketing Working? Keep Your Marketing Accountable.

2017 is fast approaching and business owners are taking a look at their numbers. It’s time to take stock of yours and your marketing should not be the exception. So, is your marketing working? You already know the importance of marketing analytics, but are you keeping your marketing accountable? Recently we sat down for lunch […]
Stop Wasting Money! How to Avoid These 4 Common Mistakes In Your Marketing Budget

How many times have you gone to the store, walked by the ice cream, and picked up a pint … or ten? You’re sure you’ve run out at home, only to find out that you still have several in your freezer. Oh well, more creamy goodness for your cheat meal on Saturday! 😉 We see […]
How the Internet Has Revolutionized Marketing

I still remember the first time I bought a car—well, technically I wasn’t buying, but I tagged along when my dad went to buy his. I couldn’t have been more than 12 years old. I was following my father closely as we walked onto the car lot, and it wasn’t too long until we had […]
The One-Page Marketing Plan is One More Way to Avoid Wasting a Business’s Hard Earned Money

Can you imagine going to your doctor, having her tell you her diagnosis and that she may need to do some more tests, but then having her say: “You know what? Let’s just wing it.” Or imagine you’ve boarded a plane, and you hear the pilot through the PA: “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your […]
Managing Your Marketing Budget is About Outsmarting, not Outspending

This happened to me many moons ago in college: I arrived at school, books in my backpack, laptop in my hand, ready to take on the world. Or so I thought. I sat down and asked the girl sitting next to me if we had any homework or assignments pending. She stared at me for […]
Do You Really Have Control Over Digital Assets?

Have you ever found yourself locked out of your own house? I get locked out ALL. THE. TIME! Sometimes Ceci is putting the baby to sleep and can’t hear me knocking on the door, and sometimes she’s not even home. Whatever the reason, the result is always major frustration. It makes me late for meetings, […]
To Do It Yourself, or Not – Is a DIY Website Right for You?

7 questions to ask yourself before taking on a project Everyone loves a good do-it-yourself project, and we live in a time when we can find out how to create anything we want in a matter of minutes. There’s a plethora of step-by-step videos and articles to choose from. I swear, as I was writing […]
The Best Writing and Content Marketing Resources You’ll Need

Content marketing is one of the most important and successful marketing strategies of our day. This is because of its tight connection to other strategies like SEO, conversion optimization, social media, and even design! Success in content marketing isn’t a straight, linear path. There are obstacles that you’ll likely run into as you figure out […]