Leadership vs. Management

What you value determines your leadership style As a leader in your workplace, you’ll tend to err toward either a traditional managerial style, or a more team-oriented leadership style. Which one sounds more like you? Maybe it’s easier to ask: if you had to value one over the other, would you choose efficiency, or effectiveness? […]
Kid, You’ll Move Mountains: An Intro to Geofencing

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” – Dr. Seuss My brothers and I grew up with Dr. Seuss’s books on our shelf and that’s one of my favorite quotes. The doctor’s wisdom is undisputed and transcends ages, cultures, and even context. In marketing and advertising, unless you’re able to stand out […]
Don’t Kid Yourself: The Trap of Business DIYs

Sometimes you can’t make it on your own Confession time. So I work out. I may not be an Olympian, but I consider myself pretty strong and I appreciate what my body is capable of. Naturally, I assumed my discipline in weight training and cardio would translate into being a (the?) star player on my […]
How to Build Business Resilience

Jazz and plane crashes: Only the adaptable survive TIffany and I recently had the privilege of joining today’s top marketing and sales professionals at Inbound 2017. And you know what surprised me? The thought that today’s top dogs aren’t necessarily going to be around next year. Technology, competition, strategies, the economy, super volcanos … There […]