Marketing 101: Defining Your Target Market

How To Identify Your Customer’s Core Needs by Defining Your Target Market Skee ball. The name in itself may not mean much to you, but it is one of the most common arcade games ever. The game’s objective is to collect as many points as possible by rolling a ball up an incline to get it […]
Advertising Done the Right Way Makes All the Difference

Advertising Done the Right Way Makes All the Difference Lately, watching the Super Bowl has become more about watching the ads than the game. Let me ask you something — do you remember the first big play of the game? I’ll refresh your memory. It was the first quarter, 6 and a half minutes left […]
Online Reputation Management: What You Should Know

What is online reputation management, really? When you think of it, what definition comes to mind? Wikipedia’s definition is this: “The influencing and the control of an individual’s or business’s reputation. In other words, your reputation is simply the beliefs and opinions that are generally held about you or your business.” It’s what people are […]
Make Social Media Work for You

The social media holy grail I remember watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade for the first time. I was on the edge of my seat the whole film, and I still think it might be the best movie in the original trilogy. We got to meet Indy’s dad, and everyone was after the holy […]
Your Ultimate Guide to E-Commerce

Have you ever walked through seemingly endless aisles in a store just to end up not finding what you were looking for? You’re not alone. Just last week, I found myself in a bookstore with great company, helping her look for a book by famous author Albert Espinosa. After an hour or two of browsing […]
Email Marketing: The Most Underrated and Underused Tool in Your Arsenal

Email Marketing: The Most Underrated and Underused Tool in Your Arsenal Facts and Stats You Need to Know Attention business owners: Email marketing is more alive than ever. If your inbox looks something like the photo on the right, you may already be aware of that. In an article in The Atlantic, computer engineer Raymond […]
Remarketing gives you a second chance at a first impression

Now you can follow your audience without feeling like a stalker Remarketing, a type of behavior marketing, is one of the latest trends in online advertising. I personally experienced remarketing very recently when I needed to replace a pair of old shoes. I went shopping on Amazon, saved five pairs I really liked, and told […]
What Everybody Should Know About Google AdWords

7 Tips on how to stay relevant and on page one of Google search results You might be asking yourself… What exactly is Google AdWords? Put simply, Google Adwords are the ads at the top of the search results that show up at the very moment that your customers search on Google for the products […]
Unique Selling Proposition: Why Should Anyone Do Business with You?

Unique Selling Proposition: Why Should Anyone Do Business with You? The name Dan Kennedy may not mean much to you. But for me, Dan Kennedy was my introduction into the world of marketing. His marketing preference is that of direct response marketing. Think mail order catalogs, infomercials, and ads jam-packed to the brim with information. […]
Email Marketing – What a 5 Year Old and Star Wars Can Teach Us About Consistency

My son, Little Ruben, turned 9 last week. Time flies. When he was 4 years old, a classmate in Picacho Hills Elementary was fixated with everything Star Wars, especially The Imperial March song. Bom bom bom bombombom. Every single day, Ruben would come home talking about Daniel and Star Wars. Five years later, Ruben is […]